International Students


There are three ways of being admitted on an undergraduate course at Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul as a regular student if you’re not brazilian:

  • Entrance test (to apply for an entrance test the student must first obtain a high school degree validation in Brazil).  
  • The Program for Partner Undergraduate Students (PEC-G) (Latin America, Africa and Caribbean).
  • Through the vacancies filler processes (Refugee/Humanitarian/Family Reunion Visa or Diploma Holder).

There are two different Entrance Tests you can apply to:

You can also apply to courses offered by UFMS in the position of exchange student (“intercambista”), to attend disciplines of your choice for a period. If that’s the case, you can send an email to, so we can evaluate your request.

Check our undergraduate programmes here.


Documents (Visa, CPF, RNE)

To apply for tests and to study in Brazil, the foreigner candidate first needs to regularize his/her documentation with the competent institutions in the country, been the “Receita Federal” (Federal Revenue) and the “Polícia Federal” (Federal Police).

There are informatives on the Receita’s website  to help non-residents on documents regularization (CPF), and more information on what you can bring to Brazil, for instance.

You can access the list of documents needed for the regularization with the Polícia Federal here. Some documents are for only visitors, others are required for immigration. 

It is also instructed for any visitors to always keep in touch with their respectives consulates in the country. Try to contact the Brazilian embassy/consulate at your country for more information on needed documents.


Students from all over the world who are interested in applying to undergraduate courses, as well as to obtain a diploma issued by UFMS, can do so by taking part in the UFMS entrance test (called “vestibular”).

All the exams are held in Portuguese, here in Brazil.

How it works?

1 – UFMS publishes the Call for Applications for the VESTIBULAR SELECTION PROCESS, with the rules, schedule and the number of vacancies offered for each course.

2 – The ones interested need to register their desired options between wide competition or reserved vacancies (quotas), besides selecting the desired program, and the city/place to take the exam.

*The candidate competing for the undergraduate course must be able to present the High School Certificate of Completion upon enrollment if approved and called.

3 – The results of the requests for exemption of registration fee, and later, the list of registrations are published.

4 – Candidates with active registrations appear to perform the test at the place and time outlined in the notice.

5 – The preliminary result is published, and then the period for appeals is opened.

6 – The results of the appeals filed are published, and the final grades are calculated through the formula specified in the opening notice of the selection process.

7 – The final grades obtained and the candidates’ classification list by course are published.

8 – The regular call (1st call) is held, where the successful candidates within the number of vacancies of each course are called for enrollment.

How the calls happen?

Calls are made exclusively through call notices that are published on this portal, where the names of the callers by course are listed according to the order of classification, in addition to the dates of enrollment in the courses. These notices also list the dates for attendance at the Self-Declaration Verification Benches.

It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to monitor the publication of the notices. Failure to present required documents or failure to attend the newsstands will result in the loss of the vacancy.

Applied Tests – UFMS Entrance Exam

Click on one of the ‘UFMS entrance exams’ below to access the applied test.

Vestibular UFMS 2019

Vestibular UFMS 2018

How to access CUTTING NOTES* from previous editions of UFMS Entrance Exam?

Click on one of the ‘UFMS Entrance Exam’ editions below to access the minimum scores at which applicants have entered UFMS undergraduate courses through the respective process.

*Cutting notes correspond to the minimal required for that program on the year. They are the exam results of the last student to enter that specific program that year, including RECALLS.

Vestibular UFMS 2019

Vestibular UFMS 2018

SISU is the computerized system of the Ministry of Education through which public higher education institutions offer vacancies to ENEM participants. At UFMS, 40% of the vacancies of the undergraduate courses are offered through this selection process.

ENEM is structured from the Reference Matrices (updated annually), available on the Inep Portal.

The exam consists of four objective tests with 45 multiple choice questions and a Portuguese language essay.

All the exams are held in Portuguese, here in Brazil.

How to apply to ENEM?

The candidate must access the Inep official website and pay attention to the application deadlines, according to the published notice. Enem registration is made exclusively by the address.

To make the registration, the participant must inform his/her CPF number and his/her date of birth in accordance with the date registered at the “Receita Federal”. It is therefore recommended to verify this personal information with the Receita before you sign up to Enem.

At registration, the participant must:

  1. Enter a valid and unique email address and valid landline or mobile number;
  2. Request, if necessary, Specialized Service, Specific and/or by Social Name;
  3. Indicate the municipality where you wish to take the test;
  4. Select the foreign language (English or Spanish) that will be in the test as one of the disciplines;
  5. Create a system access password.

The generated registration number and registered password should be noted in a safe place, as they will be used for registration follow-up, consultation of the Registration Confirmation Card, access to results and enrollment in the Ministry of Education programs. The password is personal, non-transferable and the responsibility of the participant.

At the day of the test you will need an official document that validates your information (name, CPF, date of birth) and this document must have an photo of yourself.

For further informations (such as schedules, valid documents, what you can take to the test and how is the grades calculated) you can check the FAQ about ENEM here.

How SISU works?

Applicants who have applied to the latest edition of Enem can access Sisu via the internet. From the scores obtained in ENEM, SISU itself calculates the average with which the candidate will compete for the chosen programs.

1 – Candidates choose the programs they wish to apply with their grades among the vacancies offered. It is necessary to indicate if they wish to apply for vacancies intended for broad competition, or vacancies intended for the quota system, as described in Law  12.711/12.

2 – The regular call happens when the candidates classified within the number of vacancies of each competition modality are called to perform their enrollment.

3 – Candidates are enrolled at the academic office of the course to which they have been summoned, while candidates not summoned in the regular call may express an interest in joining the Sisu waiting list through the same website at which appliances were made. Applicants can only apply for waiting list seats for the course that has been chosen as their first option.

4 – The second call is made, where candidates are called from the Sisu waiting list (released by MEC), strictly respecting the order of the classification lists. There will only be a 2nd call for courses where there are vacancies left after the regular call.

5 – Candidates who are not summoned in the Sisu Waiting List call (2nd call) must enroll in the UFMS Waiting List in accordance to the instructions contained in the notices published at, to have a chance of being called up on the 3rd call or later.

How to get on the waiting lists?

Sisu Waiting List: This first waiting list (which is released by MEC) occurs after the regular call. The candidates who are interested in joining the waiting list within the MEC/Sisu computerized system itself are required to continue to apply for vacancies. For this list, a single call is made (2nd call, also known as Sisu Waiting List Call).

UFMS Waiting List: Once the Sisu waiting list call (2nd call) is over, applicants who have not been called before and still wish to join the selected course must apply to the UFMS Waiting List according to the instructions contained in the notices to be published at, to have a chance of being called in the 3rd call and later.

CUTTING NOTES* from previous editions of Sisu

Click on one of the Sisu editions below to access the minimum scores with which candidates have entered UFMS undergraduate courses through the respective process.

*Cutting notes correspond to the minimal required for that program on the year. They are the exam results of the last student to enter that specific program that year, including RECALLS.

SISU 2019

SISU 2018

SISU 2017 – Verão

SISU 2017 – Inverno

In accordance to the PEC-G website:

“The Exchange Program for Undergraduate Students (PEC-G), officially created in 1965 by Decree 55,613 and currently ruled by Decree 7,948/2013, provides students from developing countries with which Brazil maintains educational, cultural or scientific and technological agreements the opportunity to pursue their undergraduate studies in Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).”

PEC-G is administered by the Ministry of External Relations (MRE), through the Division of Educational Themes (DCE), and the Ministry of Education (MEC), in partnership with HEIs throughout the country.

The Program for Partner Undergraduate Students (PEC-G, in the portuguese acronym) is a cooperation program between Brazil and countries in Africa, Latin America and Caribbean. The goal is offering to young students from these countries the opportunity to undertake their full undergraduate studies at brazilian universities.

To be eligible for the program, it is necessary to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Be a citizen of the developing countries with which Brazil maintains an Educational and Cultural Cooperation Agreement;
  • Possess a High School diploma or equivalent;
  • Be aged between 18 and 25 years old;
  • Have proficiency in Portuguese.

PEC-G is aimed at students from developing countries with which Brazil maintains educational, cultural or scientific and technological agreements. Applicants must have completed the corresponding study level to the Brazilian High School (secondary school) in some country other than Brazil; cannot be Brazilian citizens; cannot be holders of dual nationality nor holders of any type of visa to Brazil.

To participate, applicants must submit the required documents at the Embassy or Consulate of Brazil in their country. It is important to be informed about the participating Brazilian Institutions of Higher Education and courses currently offered. In the application form, applicants may indicate two options of undergraduate courses and two options of Brazilian cities to live.

The pre-selection is carried out by the Brazilian Embassy in the candidate’s home country. The evaluation of the students is done based on their High School résumé or equivalent and on their conditions of financial means.

Should a student be selected to take part in the program, he/she must check the Academic Calendar of UFMS and present the following documents at UFMS International Office (DIRIN) two weeks before the beginning of the semester:

  • Covering letter;
  • Declaration of commitment;
  • Term of Financial Responsibility;
  • Transcript of School Records/ High School Diploma equivalent and Birth Certificate (all documents must be duly sealed and recognized by the Brazilian Embassy);
  • Medical certificate;
  • Passport with a Temporary Student Visa (Type IV);
  • Request for Consular Visa;
  • 1 photography (3×4cm) for document.”

For more information, access here.

The selection process called Transfer, Refugees and Diploma Holder aims to fill the idle vacancies on the undergraduate programs at UFMS. Vacancies are filled according to the order of preference below:

a) External Transfer – Class I (Transfer to course homonymous to the original – only brazilian students);

b) External Transfer – Class II (Transfer to course homonymous to the original, but of different modalities – only brazilian students);

c) External Transfer – Class III (Transfer to a course of a different name from the original, but from the same area of knowledge – only brazilian students);

d) Foreigners Holding a Refugee, Humanitarian or Family Reunion Visa;

e) Diploma holder.

This selection process has no application fee and no admission test. According to the type of application, the candidate will be classified by specific criteria as specified on the call.

This process happens twice a year and is governed by specific notices that can be accessed by clicking the “Access Notices” button below.


What is it?

The UFMS offers the possibility of the entry of foreigners with refugee visa, humanitarian visa or family reunion visa. The selection process is governed by the notice “External Transfer, Refugees and Diploma Holder”.

How it works?

The registration and choice of the course is all done through the internet. No fees are charged. You must register and attach the documents as specified in the notice.

The vacancies offered in the announcement will be initially filled by candidates wishing to join via “External Transfer”. Subsequently, the remaining transfer vacancies are redirected to “Foreigners with a Refugee Visa, Humanitarian Visa or Family Reunion Visa”.

Who can participate?

Applicants enrolled in the type of admission of REFUGEE, HUMANITARIAN or FAMILY REUNION VISA holders must have:

a) proof of the situation of refugee, humanitarian reason or family reunion or protocol issued by the Federal Police, in cases where the residence visa has not yet been issued;

b) individual performance in the National High School Exam (ENEM), conducted between 2014 and 2018; and

c) completed high school or equivalent.

What is the classification method?

Candidates will be classified according to the following criteria:

a) highest grade obtained in ENEM; and

b) older age.

When is the process performed?

The External Transfer, Refugee and Diploma Holder process is carried out once a semester following the selective Internal Movement process.


What is it?

It is the means by which MEC (ministry of Education) recognized undergraduate degree holders can apply for vacancies in any UFMS course that has idle vacancies. The vacancies offered are disclosed in the “External Transfer, Refugee and Diploma Holder” call.

How it works?

The process is governed by the publish of the “External Transfer, Refugees and Diploma Holder” notice. The registration and choice of the course is all done through the internet. No fees are charged. You must register and attach the documents as specified in the notice.

The vacancies offered in the announcement will be initially filled by candidates registered for “External Transfer”. Subsequently, the remaining vacancies are directed to “Foreigners with a Refugee Visa, Humanitarian Visa or Family Reunion Visa”, and if there are still vacancies to be offered, they are redirected to candidates enrolled as diploma holders.

After disclosure of the result, the candidate classified and summoned must go to the academic secretary of the course to which he/she has enrolled. UFMS reserves the right to make as many registration notices as it deems necessary to fill the vacancies offered on the call.

Who can participate?

Participants in this selection process may be holders of diploma in higher education degree recognized by MEC.

What courses are possible for entry for diploma holders?

Holders of diploma can apply for any course of interest, provided that there is vacancy offered in the notice and that such vacancy is not filled by External Transfer and Refugees.

What are the criteria used for classification?

a) highest overall average obtained in the subjects taken with approval in the completed course; and

b) older age.

To calculate the general average of the candidate in the higher education institution of origin, the averages of all subjects taken with approval will be added. The result of this sum will be divided by the number of subjects with approval and grade.

When is this process performed?

The External Transfer, Refugee and Diploma Holder process is carried out once a semester following the selective Internal Movement process.